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M2 Rainbow Mirrors


M2 Rainbow Mirrors

-With replacable mirrors so next time just buy the head at almost half the price.

– With autoclavable protective sleeve for extra protection.

-Build in Endo Gauge

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M2 Rainbow mirror

We have seen and paid the price for disregarding oral health in recent years. A healthy lifestyle is no longer a choice, but rather a requirement in the post-covid era. If you’re a dentist, you’re probably aware of how difficult it is to accurately diagnose and treat a problem in an area where sight is limited, which is why having a good pair of dental mirrors is essential. Their compact size and agility make them perfect for evaluating teeth and gums in hard-to-reach parts of the mouth. Selecting the dental mirror is not an easy task. You need a highly flexible mirror that is suitable for exploring a patient’s oral cavity, separating the walls of the mouth, thus widening the field of vision.


When it comes to dental mirrors, there are two different types — front surface and back surface mirrors. The main characteristic of back surface mirrors is that they create a ghost image along with the primary image because of the way they are constructed. This can make your patient’s mouth feel crowded when it’s not. It’s a concern because, when you hold a dental mirror at a certain angle concerning the light source, the intensity of the ghost images will be equal to that of the principal image, decreasing clarity. Whereas front surface mirrors create only one image, that is the main image which negates distortion thereby increasing clarity and image quality.

If you are looking for a high-quality front surface dental mirror designed to last long, then M2 Rainbow Mirrors are the way to go. These days, M2 Rainbow Mirrors is gaining popularity among dental professionals because of its ergonomically engineered design to offer the best assistance by increasing visibility from every angle, and improving accuracy and precision. These mirrors are 40% brighter than Rhodium mirrors, aiding clear, high-contrast reflection of the teeth and gums, reducing eye strain and fatigue.

M2 Rainbow Mirrors are durable, lightweight, and ergonomically engineered with

A built-in Endo Gauge, so you can get an accurate reading of working length during Root canal treatment, an Autoclave protective sleeve for extra protection during sterilization, and

Replaceable mirrors—so next time you can just buy the head at almost half the price!

Quality and durability-wise, M2 Rainbow mirrors align with Zinc Mirrors but at a fraction of the price.


After all, Dental mirrors are one of those “small things” that make a big difference in creating a positive patient experience, not to mention helping you do your best work!



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