(+612) 2531 5600
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Showing 1–12 of 50 results
Description Biocera Flo is bio compatible and injectable bio ceramic sealer ready for use. COMPOSITION : Calcium Silicates, Calcium Aluminate, Calcium Hydroxide, Zirconium Oxide, Accelerators and thickening agents. INDICATIONS FOR USE : * Permanent sealing of root […]
M2 Rainbow Mirrors
-With replacable mirrors so next time just buy the head at almost half the price.
– With autoclavable protective sleeve for extra protection.
-Build in Endo Gauge
Welcome to Ultra HD dentistry
Quality comparable to Zirc
Description Set of 8 ( 4 maxillary, 4 mandibular trays) made with high Corrosion Resistant SS Alloy. The premium satin finish adds to retention of material to the tray CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES: -Size Adjustable Labial Wall -High Retention […]
Description (37% Orthophosphoric Acid) NT Aqua Ethcing Gel is 37% phosphoric acid gel used for etching enamel and /or dentin to promote adhesion of primer/bonding agent to tooth structure and restorative materials. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES Ideal viscosity for […]
[1] Clean and dry the canal after preparation.
[2] Set up a disposable tip in syringe and insert in canal. Fill the canal completely by pushing the syringe plunger while withdrawing the tip slowly upward. Or Alternatively it can applied in canals by using lentulo spiral or other form of paste carriers.
[3] Remove the used tip, fix the safety cap after use.
[4] If needed , NT Cal dressing can be repeated by removing the previous dressing.
Packing:(2gm X1 syringe)
Description NT Crystal is premium range of triple diamond coated diamond burs.Manufactured with high grade industrial diamonds. Uniform particle size diamonds are selected for a particular grit of bur for efficient cutting, smooth preparations and less vibration. […]
Description This is a specially designed diamond bur for putting depth cut during veneer preparation. The three cylinder design helps to place precise depth grooves horizontally across the facial surface (depth groove in incisal, middle and cervical […]
Description ENDO A Specially designed diamond bur for access opning and fefining with a single bur. It is acombinationof round bur at tip and tapered diamond behind it. Function of these burs are to remove variously encountered […]
Description ENDO A1 (GOLD PLATED) Specially designed bur series for access opning and refining with a single bur. It is a combination of round bur at tip and tapered diamond behind it. Round Tip diameter 1.1mm Recommended […]
Description ENDO Z are long tapered bur specially designed to creates a funnel shape for easier access in the pulp chamber. Safe –ended (non cutting tip) prevents penetration of the pulp chamber floor during access opning. Tungsten […]
Description It is specially designed for easy removal of metal crown by cutting through it. One piece manufacturing design and no welding ensure smooth working and no clattering Its sharp edge and high degree of concentricity, reduce […]
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